Trade Energy is your trusted partner in navigating the exciting world of renewable energy. We specialize in helping businesses and individuals maximize the benefits of solar power, and a key part of that is understanding Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs).

What are STCs?

STCs are tradable certificates issued by the Clean Energy Regulator for every megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity generated by eligible small-scale renewable energy systems, like solar panels. These certificates represent the environmental benefits of clean energy production.

How Can Trade Energy Help?

Maximizing Your STC Entitlement: We ensure you claim all the STCs your solar system is eligible for, maximizing the financial return on your investment.

Streamlined STC Trading: We handle the entire STC trading process for you, connecting you with buyers and ensuring a smooth transaction.

Expert Guidance: Our team stays up-to-date on the latest STC regulations and market trends, providing you with informed advice.

Trade Energy is Committed to a Sustainable Future

By helping you claim and trade STCs, we contribute to Australia's renewable energy targets and a cleaner environment for everyone.

Contact Trade Energy today and let us help you navigate the world of STCs!

Don't delay! Unlock your unclaimed certificates now.