Trade Energy is a leading force in the renewable energy sector, committed to helping businesses and individuals thrive in the transition to clean power. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including expert guidance on Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs).

What are LGCs?

LGCs are tradable certificates issued by the Clean Energy Regulator for each megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable electricity generated by eligible large-scale renewable energy systems, like solar farms and wind turbines. These certificates represent the environmental benefits of clean energy production.

Why Choose Trade Energy for LGCs?

  • Maximizing LGC Value: Our team ensures you claim all the LGCs your system is eligible for, maximizing the financial return on your investment.
  • Seamless LGC Trading: We navigate the complex LGC market, connecting you with buyers and facilitating smooth transactions.
  • Expert LGC Management: Our in-depth knowledge of LGC regulations and market trends ensures informed and strategic decisions for your benefit.

Trade Energy: Committed to a Sustainable Future

By helping you claim and trade LGCs effectively, we contribute significantly to Australia's renewable energy targets. We're passionate about creating a cleaner and more sustainable future for everyone.

Contact Trade Energy today! Let our LGC specialists guide you through the process and maximize your financial and environmental impact.

Don't delay! Unlock your unclaimed certificates now.